Julia's Chronicle: Four Years and Younger

Four Years of Age
Three Years of Age
Two Years of Age
One Year of Age
Up to One Year

Nearly eight months old and moving, moving, moving--rolling, trying to crawl, skooching on her bottom, and shows great potential as the cat's nemesis. She's waving, playing hide-and-seek, eating lots of different foods, and practicing sitting upright and balancing while nodding her head "no".

Nearly seven months old. At her six month checkup she weighed 18 pounds 1 ounce and measured 26 1/4". She's developing so much each day--combining consonant and vowel sounds, although she doesn't yet bring herself to a sitting position yet she sits upright very well, bangs on her piano, appears to favor her left hand, enjoys eating solids, and has a delightful sense of humor.
